Outlaw HSA
Team Store
Outlaw Media Group
PLEASE FILL OUT ONE(1) FORM FOR EACH TEAM YOU ARE REGISTERING. (Spots are limited and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Teams registering after all spots are filled will be placed on a waiting list.)
If you are entering multiple teams in the same division, please label them with a number next to the team name (e.g., #1, #2, #3). EXAMPLE: The Team Name (Outlaws) Division (JV) Number of the team (#1, #2, #3).
Teams are allowed to play up but teams are not allowed to play down. Example: A 14U team is allowed to compete in the 16U division, but a 16U team cannot compete in the 14U division. Similarly, a 16U team can play in the 18U division, but an 18U team cannot play in the 16U division.
This information is essential for determining the number of player bag tags needed for the event.
This information helps us determine how to place teams in the appropriate pools. Pool play will consist of two rounds, allowing teams to naturally position themselves into the correct bracket. Please be as honest as possible in your assessment. Thank you!
Each registered team will recieve Two(2) FREE Coaches Passes & (One)1 FREE bag tag per player for the tournament.